Fan Photos

Get Free Posters!

If you’re hosting a Private Wisely Concert (or even if you’re not) we want you to have posters, as many as you like, free! Color postcards available too.Click here.

Request Wisely On The Radio!

Here’s a list of stations that are spinning (or maybe should be spinning) the new album. REQUEST Wisely. It’ll only take a second and it’s still the most important way to spread the word about music you dig.

Want to Attend A Private Concert but You Don’t Know The Host?

Many Private Wisely Concerts are open to the public. Click here to email us with your name, the show, and the likely number in your party and we’ll inquire with the host. Click here for Wisely’s upcoming tour dates!

Embed A Banner On Your Site/Blog

Copy and paste the code below into your blog or website to display Wisely Banners! Click on the thumbnails to see the actual size of the image as it will appear on your page.

Tour Dates

Click here!

Write A Review

Your reviews are wildly important to a new record. Please, write a quick review and let the world know what you think! Click on the logos below.

Subscribe And Become Friends

Wisely on Facebook Wisely on YouTube Wisely on Twitter

Embed A Wisely Video On Your Site/Blog

Post Wisely’s “Through Any Window” video on your website or blog. Copy and paste the code below. We’re going for a quarter million views!

Free Download. For You!

Here’s the original solo acoustic demo of the song “California” that Wisely played for the musicians the day they started work in the studio. Click here to download it!

Invite Wisely to Sleep Over!

“Hotels are hell, they smell like somebody’s not telling the truth. I’d rather sleep in the car than a hotel… and I often do.” Word has it that Wisely’s kind to pets and children, has his own sleeping bag, travels alone and always leaves early for the next gig. Floors, couches and beds of broken glass are welcome. Click here.

Invite Your Friends To A Wisely Show

Tell your friends to meet up at a Wisely show with an Evite Invitation. Here’s all the tour date details you’ll need to create your evite.

Easy To Print Cool Handbills!

Spread the word about a Wisely show by printing up 4-to-the-page, black & white handbills? Click here to download the zip file with a jpeg and a READ ME file with printing instructions.

Design Your Own Poster/Banner

Download a whole goodie bag of Wisely-approved design elements. Create your own poster or banner for you’re Private Wisely Concert––or just for the heck of it. Be sure to send us a copy of your masterpiece! There’s tons more pictures you can use in the Wisely Galleries. If you need higher resolution versions email us.